Happy Left Handers Day!

Happy National Left-Handers Day!


As a sort of lefty today is a reminder to me that people don’t necessarily fit neatly into a box.


Things I do left-handed: write, eat, and play tennis.


Things I do right-handed: play guitar and/or any stringed instrument. Fun fact: when I was a kid I would air guitar left-handed. When I first started playing, I was given a right-handed guitar to use, so I just adapted.


Things I do with both hands: throw and bat. I’m more naturally a right-handed thrower, but I prefer throwing a football left-handed.


So, am I right-handed or left-handed?


The best part is that recording voiceover is not dependent on which hand I’m using…although I might start telling new voice talent that they need a right-voice or left-voiced microphone.



Small Gestures


The Magic of the Unexpected